
SYN-CA-AZ-104 - AZ-104 With Azure Govornance| Certification Training

Dates to be announced soon

Course is designed for

Certification & Add-on
Practice Area
Infra & Collaboration

Course Overview

Microsoft Azure Governance, you will learn foundational knowledge to build and implement Governance in Microsoft Azure. First, you’ll examine enterprise governance in Microsoft Azure and work through architectural patterns aligned with Microsoft best practices. Then, you’ll work through the fundamental tools underpinning the Microsoft Azure Enterprise Scaffold, seeing the configuration options and considerations and learning how to interact with these platforms. Finally, you’ll bring all this knowledge and learning together and learn how to craft repeatable patterns for every Azure subscription across your organization.


This session will walk through the different aspects of governance and security that must be considered before implementing any solution. To help guide the way, we will be leveraging the customer scenario based on use cases. 


AZ-104 Certification course

Course Outline

Understanding Microsoft Azure Enterprise Governance
Understanding Microsoft Azure Enterprise Scaffold
Working with Azure Resource Graph
Working with Management Groups
Mastering Azure Policy
Working with Microsoft Azure Blueprints