
SYN-Py-CE-1 - PCPP1 | Advanced Perspective of Classes and Object-Oriented Programming in Python (Professional 1/5) [BETA]

Dates to be announced soon

Course is designed for Azure Developer

Practice Area
Dev Tool & Technology .NET, Dev Tool & Technology Java, Dev Tool & Technology OSS

Course Overview

This course gives you the opportunity to dive into the more advanced programming in the Python language and related technologies as well as advanced notions and techniques used in object-oriented programming.

You will learn about classes, instances, attributes, and methods; shallow and deep operations, polymorphism, special methods, static and class methods, abstract classes, method overriding, composition, inheritance, subclassing, encapsulation, advanced techniques of exception handling, serialization of Python objects (the pickle module), the shelve module, decorators, and metaprogramming.
After the course you will be able to design and create Python programs using the object-oriented approach, as well as acquire the essentials skills necessary for professional use of the Python language and landing a job in widely understood software development.


Classes, instances, attributes, methods, as well as working with class and instance data;
 Shallow and deep operations;
 Abstract classes, method overriding, static and class methods, special methods;
 Inheritance, polymorphism, subclasses, and encapsulation;
 Advanced exception handling techniques;
 The pickle and shelve modules;


Recommended - Python Essentials - Part 2 (Intermediate)

Course Outline

OPP Foundation: Classes, instances, attributes, methods - introduction; working with class and instance data - instance variables.
OPP Advanced: Python core syntax; inheritance and polymorphism - inheritance as a pillar of OOP; extended function argument syntax; decorators; different faces of Python methods; abstract classes, encapsulation; composition vs inheritance - two ways to the same destination; inheriting properties from built-in classes.
Advanced techniques of creating and serving Exception: Exceptions - introduction; named attributes of exception objects; chained exceptions; traceback objects of exceptions.
Object Persistence: Shallow and deep copy operations; serialization of Python objects using the pickle module' making Python objects persistent using the shelve module.
Metaprogramming: Metaprogramming and metaclasses - introduction; special attributes; type function.

Other Details

Associated Certification: PCPP1 – Certified Professional Python Programmer Level 1(Exam 32-101)