
SYN-CA-AZ-220 - AZ-220 With Azure IOT Plug & Play | Certification Training

Dates to be announced soon

Course is designed for IoT Developer

Certification & Add-on
Practice Area
Internet Of Things

Course Overview

IoT Plug and Play enables solution builders to integrate IoT devices with their solutions without any manual configuration. At the core of IoT Plug and Play, is a device model that a device uses to advertise its capabilities to an IoT Plug and Play-enabled application.


IoT Plug and Play devices should follow a set of conventions when they exchange messages with an IoT hub. IoT Plug and Play devices use the MQTT protocol to communicate with IoT Hub. IoT Hub also supports the AMQP protocol which available in some IoT device SDKs.This session explains how IoT Plug and Play enables solution builders to integrate IoT devices with their solutions without any manual configuration.

Course Outline

Deploy a sample IoT Solution with IoT Plug and Play
Experience IoT Plug and Play with IoT Central
Prepare an IoT Device
use Simple Thermostat simulator
Create Azure Indoor Map data and visualize in the sample IoT Solution
Create a building digital twin graph with Azure Digital Twins
Visualize digital twins with Azure Indoor Map