
SYN-CA-DP-100 - DA-100 With Big data and visualization | Certification Training

Dates to be announced soon

Course is designed for Azure Data Engineer

Certification & Add-on
Practice Area
Data Analytics & AI

Course Overview

How do you make sense of Big Data? When you’re receiving 100 million events per hour and you need to save them all permanently, but also process key metrics to show real-time dashboards, what technologies and platforms can you use? This answers those questions using Microsoft Azure, .NET, and Hadoop technologies: Event Hubs, Cloud Services, Web Apps, Blob Storage, SQL Azure, and HDInsight. We build a real solution that can process ten billion events every month, store them for permanent access, and distill key streams of data into powerful real-time visualizations.


The Big Data components of Azure let you build solutions which can process billions of events, using technologies you already know. In this course, we build a real world Big Data solution in two phases, starting with just .NET technologies and then adding Hadoop tools.


DA-100 Certification course

Course Outline

Understanding Big Data in Azure
Ingesting Data into Event Hubs
Storing Event Data for Batch Queries
Querying Batch Data in Deep Storage
Normalizing Event Data for Real-Time Queries
Building Real-time Dashboards
Using Storm for the Plumbing
Using HBase for Storage